Message to Families
The 2024-25 HRCE Demographic Updates form will remain open for an extended period until November 20. Please login to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and complete the form by verifying current information or providing updates if necessary.

November 6th, 2024

Remembrance Day Assembly Nov. 8th

Dear Families,

To commemorate and honor our Veterans and to appreciate and acknowledge peace in a meaningful way, we will be hosting a Remembrance Day Assembly on November 8th. Our P-2 assembly will begin at 8:35 and the grade 3-5 assembly at 10:15. Each assembly will be approximately 45 minutes.

We would like to extend a warm welcome of attendance to any family members who serve or have served our country to participate in our Remembrance Day observations. If you are a past or present military member and can attend, please contact Mrs. Brown at 902-864-6815 or

Family members are welcome to attend our Remembrance Day Assembly as well.

We also encourage students who are members of Cubs, Brownies, Girl Guides, Scouts, or Cadets to wear their uniform and join our color parade.

Take care and have a lovely day! 

J. Cholock