Oct. 10th News

Dear Families,

As we move into the long weekend, we have several reminders to pass along.

There is no school tomorrow for students. Our P-2, learning center and resource teachers will be spending time learning about our new literacy curriculum that is launching in term 2.  Our grade 3-5 teachers are working on computational fluency in math. EPA’s will also be part of Literacy and Math learning. It’s gong to be a great day of professional collaboration and learning.

Head Lice:

We’ve had reports of head lice, which reminds us of the importance of doing regular head checks at home. Head Lice are spread by head-to-head contact, or through hats, combs or helmets. We encourage students not to share hats or helmets. Head Lice can be a problem in all schools. If head lice is detected, your child must be treated. Once treated, they can return to school. For more information, please check out “How to Prevent, Find and Treat Head Lice.”

Lost and Found:

Our lost and found area is beginning to collect lots of beautiful items. To prevent clothing from going missing, please ensure that all items (sweaters, jackets, mittens and hats) are labelled. When labelled, we will return missing items to your child. If not labelled, they will be donated.

Demographic Update:

Please take time this weekend to complete the demographic update. Having accurate and up to date information is crucial. Thank you. Updates are due on October 14th.

We wish everyone an enjoyable and restful long weekend.

J. Cholock